Automated computation of numerical methods for ODEs
Creating a project based off of something I just learned often helps me get a better grasp on the subject matter. It serves as its own review, puts the information in a new context, and creates a memorable experience around the ideas being implemented. While I was taking ordinary differential equations, we had a section that covered solving them using numerical methods. Doing this by hand is rather tedious, and it was helpful to write a couple of scripts that would automatically compute numerical approximation.
These simple scripts can be cloned from their repository. Three different numerical methods for ODEs are supported, eulers method, improved eulers method, and the RK4 method. The idea is for these scripts to be used in order to get a better understanding of the numerical approach to estimation. There is a full guide to usage in the README of the repository. Here's an example output of eulers method for the function f = 2xy2.